So far, CAS hours have been a pain in the backside, not doing the activities, but writing it down. Writing these down has been very depressing for me since I realize that I won't be in high school much longer, and I have found that I have done so much that I'm going to miss what I have done in my high school career. The following are all the CAS activities I have continually participated in. I have listed out what each activity has stood for in my life. Some are for both and the other way around. I have included each activity under what aspect of CAS they compliment for your reading pleasure.

Upward Basketball- (Creativity, Service) worked collaboratively with others, considered the ethical implications of their actions

Boy Scouts- (Action, Service)  developed new skills, perseverance and commitment, ethics

Eagle Project- (Service, Creativity) planned and initiated activities, undertaken new challenges, perseverance and commitment

Model UN- (Action,) engaged with issues of global importance, perseverance and commitment

Quiz Bowl- (Action) increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth, perseverance and commitment

I have also included cliff notes for your enjoyment.

About Me

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Im a 6' 7" male who enjoys the concept of an objective good (God) and is willing to join any cause that doesnt get me blown up.